Sepiida Design System

A white label ready, infinitely translatable, WCAG-accessible component library

Sepiida—or cuttlefish—are known as chameleons of the sea, for their split-second ability to change color based on their surroundings. The adaptable flexibility of the Sepiida Design System enabled community engagement platform Bevy to serve a fully white labeled product experience to customers like Google, Salesforce, and more.


Design lead



The Challenge

A rapid, pandemic-era pivot left Bevy with a successful and much sought after community engagement platform. However, as the company grew, serving global companies in a broad range of industries, tech debt began opening cracks in the platform's usability and stability. The Sepiida Design System was devised to address the following problems:

  • Inconsistency in user experience and UI patterns
  • A failed WCAG accessibility audit
  • Lack of robust localization support
  • Slow build time throughout engineering teams
  • Design efficiency

Sepiida sought to set a new standard for endlessly flexible, accessible, white label ready design systems.


Design System Anatomy


Unique components in Storybook


Figma variants


Pages of documentation


Dynamic properties per component

As design owner of the Sepiida project, I was responsible for maintaining all aspects of the Figma library and documentation, as well as reviewing and testing the built components.

Design system management tools have come a long way since 2022. A newer iteration would have streamlined the library to cut down on Figma variants, utilizing boolean properties and design tokens for easy customization and theming.


As a community management platform, accessibility for all users was a core part of Bevy's mission, and a critical need for its customers. Sepiida became an invaluable tool for ensuring all shipped product met WCAG standards.

Audit Process
Key Improvements Made via Sepiida
  1. Contrast-based visual accessibility inherent in each component; guidelines shared with customers for white labeled content
  2. Consistent state behavior among all components
  3. Documentation of appropriate invisible labeling, hierarchy, etc.
  4. Improved keyboard navigation

Example of focus state with transitions easy for the eye to follow


Dynamic Properties

User-customizable elements include:

  • All color properties
  • All border properties (radius, width)
  • All font properties
  • Capitalization rules
  • Component size
  • Elevation (drop shadow)

Bevy core product theme

CMX theme

Page builder and theme editor


Bevy served communities worldwide and supported 40+ languages. Sepiida was built to accommodate a variety of writing systems.

Documentation Sample